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Considering the switch to a latex-free glove policy to safeguard staff and patients

12 November 2020
Volume 29 · Issue 20


While it is difficult to imagine that before the late 1800s, surgeons in the theatre environment operated on patients without gloves, gloves are now a clinical necessity. Their use has risen exponentially over the last 30 years, along with concerns over staff and patient allergy and sensitivity to the natural rubber latex proteins used in their manufacture. Having used latex gloves for the better part of 35 years, the author recently evaluated a latex-free alternative. In this article, which presents a rationale for the introduction of a latex-free glove policy across NHS departments and trusts, particularly in theatre settings, the author presents his experience, together with cases from four other surgeons, as well as evidence from the literature regarding potential clinical outcomes, quality of life and cost-effectiveness associated with latex-free gloves.

The need for gloves to achieve asepsis is a given in modern healthcare. However, allergy to the natural rubber latex (NRL) proteins used in their manufacture emerged as an occupational disease in the 1980s (Royal College of Physicians (RCP), 2008). Unfortunately, the powder used to increase the ease of donning only exacerbates this problem because the protein powder reacts with the latex in the glove (RCP, 2008). While lower-protein gloves are now widely used and powder-free gloves are commonplace in healthcare settings in the UK, glove use has risen exponentially to provide protection from occupational exposure to blood-borne viruses (RCP, 2008).

There is evidence that the introduction of a latex-free glove policy would not only reduce latex sensitisation (Allmers et al, 1998) among staff, but also assure clinical outcomes, improve quality of life (Power et al, 2010) and provide a cost-effective solution (Phillips et al, 1999; Henry et al, 2020). The author is a long-time user of standard latex gloves (except in cases of allergy); however, his personal experience of having evaluated a high-quality brand of latex-free gloves supports the rationale presented within this article for the consideration of a new latex-free glove policy within NHS departments and trusts.

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