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Developing structured clinical review templates in an integrated respiratory team during COVID-19: a qualitative review

13 January 2025
Volume 34 · Issue 1



In response to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in March 2020 and required adherence to infection control measures and patient and staff safety, an integrated respiratory team (IRT) developed guideline-based templates to support the team in teleconsultation reviews of their patients. Patients had been diagnosed with sleep disordered breathing, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma, interstitial lung disease or had oxygen assessment needs.


Nine IRT members collaboratively developed content for the templates to assist in clinical reviews. In February 2023 semi-structured interviews were conducted and recorded with eight of the IRT members using Microsoft Teams, then thematically analysed.


Qualitative analysis revealed 13 themes. The templates were considered time-saving and advantageous in teleconsultation reviews. They supported evidence-based, structured, and consistent reviews. They were felt to uphold patient safety, supporting knowledge and skills. IRT members reported the templates had no adverse effects on autonomy, patient-professional relationships or person-centred care. They facilitated good multidisciplinary team working and communication. One interviewee reported that the templates supported the Nursing and Midwifery Council Code.


The templates continue to be used across the regional service by the IRT. Their benefit has been realised beyond the pandemic. Refinements will be made as guidelines are updated. The development of these innovative templates may be of interest and value to other respiratory teams.

The NHS Dumfries and Galloway Integrated Respiratory Team (IRT) works across a 2500 square mile remote and rural health region in the UK and provides a service to a population of 148000, with 45% of the population living remotely from the largest town settlement (National Records of Scotland, 2024). The IRT provides a regional service for people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), adult asthma, sleep disordered breathing, long-term oxygen therapy requirements, and interstitial lung disease. The IRT consisted of nine respiratory nurse specialists.

The arrival of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in March 2020 was a major challenge for the IRT to be able to provide safe, effective and evidence-based care remotely over the course of the pandemic. The IRT agreed that it was vital to re-evaluate all standard operating procedures to enable the team to continue to provide a high standard of ongoing care for patients referred to and within the service.

PM (the principal investigator) who was then also the IRT lead, conducted an international e-Delphi study (as part of a PhD programme of work) to define the core components that should be included at a clinical review for people with sleep apnoea (Murphie et al, 2018a). This work informed the development of a sleep clinic review template that included the most important core components that were identified from the e-Delphi study to include in a clinical review of people with sleep apnoea syndrome. This template was then implemented in three NHS health regions using a mixed-methods implementation study and was refined following feedback from the participants (Murphie et al, 2018b). This preliminary work informed the development of the other disease-specific templates by the IRT at the onset of the pandemic.

The use of templates as tools to assist with the delivery of clinical reviews is not a new concept and they can facilitate a structured and more guided review process and support care consistency. They have been used in clinical practice for more than two decades (Ahmed et al, 2012; Billiones, 2014) and have been shown to improve patient safety (Gilliland et al, 2018).

At the onset of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in early 2020, the IRT worked collaboratively to develop disease-specific templates based on the success of previous work by PM on the sleep apnoea review template. They unanimously agreed to co-develop templates for use in COPD, asthma, interstitial lung disease and oxygen assessment, based on current guidelines (Suntharalingam et al, 2017; National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), 2017; Hopkinson et al, 2019; Murphie, 2021; NICE, 2024).

The IRT was unable to conduct in-person reviews due to the risk of infection transmission and aimed to develop a consistent team approach on how to conduct safe, effective, and evidence-based teleconsultation reviews.


Design of the templates

From April to May 2020 nine IRT nurse specialists collaborated to develop the templates' contents based on current guidelines in these disease areas. No disease-specific templates were previously used by the IRT.

Intervention and implementation strategy

Individuals in the IRT took the lead in developing the templates where they had a special interest in these conditions. The templates were piloted and refined as feedback was received from the IRT, until agreement was reached on the final versions. The templates would be used by all the specialist nurses for all teleconsultation reviews of adult patients with COPD, asthma, interstitial lung disease and those requiring long-term oxygen therapy assessment.

Data collection via semi-structured interviews

In February 2023, semi-structured interviews were conducted by PM with eight of the IRT members who consented to participate, and interviews were recorded using Microsoft Teams. A specific topic guide was developed and used in all interviews to maintain consistency and reflexivity in the interview process (Table 1).

Main question Additional questions
1. I am interested in your views on whether you think there is any value or not in using a structured respiratory review template in your clinical practice. For example, is it worthwhile? Did you already have one in use previously before their introduction? If you did use a template, can you clarify what is different about your previous way of working?Or if you didn't use a template, how has using the templates impacted on your usual way of working pre-pandemic?
2. I am interested in your views of any evidence that you are aware of to support using structured respiratory review templates in your clinical practice What do you perceive as any advantages and disadvantages to using the templates in your clinical practice?
3. Are you aware of any pre-pandemic evidence to support the use of structured respiratory templates in clinical practice? Can you clarify what you think is or is not worthwhile using such respiratory templates in a clinical review?
4. Do you think that using the templates in your clinical reviews has saved any time in your clinical practice? Can you expand on this please?
5. Have you had any feedback from your clinician colleagues or patients on the use of these structured templates in your clinical reviews? Have you had any positive or negative feedback regarding this?
6. Have you found any situations where the structured template is not suitable for use in a clinical review? Can you expand on this please?
7. What do you think is the impact of the templates on the way you conduct a clinical review:
  • Your clinical autonomy
  • Your patient/professional relationships
  • Patient-centred care
  • Can you clarify any additional impacts, either positive or negative, of using the template?
    8. Are there any additional components that could/should be added to the templates − or how could they be improved? If yes, can you clarify?
    9. Do you think you will continue to use/adapt the structured respiratory review templates in the future? Can you expand on this?
    10. I am interested in your views about the IRT's individual knowledge and skills and whether you feel the templates are useful or not in your personal style of consultation
    11. Have you any additional observations or comments you would like to make regarding the use of the structured respiratory review templates? Can you expand on this?
    12. I am interested in the structure of the IRT and how individual members conduct clinical reviews within their clinical practice
    13. I am interested in how the MDT network communicates within your service and how each team member contributes to developing and delivering respiratory clinical reviews

    Key: IRT=integrated respiratory team; MDT=multidisciplinary team

    Data analysis of the interviews

    All interviews were thematically analysed using NVivo software version 1.7.1. NVivo is a computer software program that allows researchers to manage, analyse and visualise qualitative data and documents systematically and individually. The recorded interviews were coded using NVivo and 13 themes were generated.


    Following analysis of the semi-structured interviews in the NVivo software, 13 themes from the interviews were transcribed and thematically analysed. The themes that emerged and the interviewee comments recorded were as follows:

  • Value. The templates were valued by the team members when conducting clinical reviews via telephone or teleconsultations when they were unable to see patients in person during the pandemic. ‘I started in 2016 and used a general template to help in clinic and did find that useful, although it was not specific. It was a good start, but I think the specific disease templates are far better and I honestly wouldn't like to be without them now.’YS‘I've certainly found it an extremely valuable tool in clinical practice. I do feel that they've helped me.’SJ‘But the template that we use now, for me it's a really … it's an essential tool.’BW
  • Time saving. The templates were perceived as time saving as they supported continuity during the consultation and a structure that staff could follow during their reviews: ‘Overall, definitely it did save time.’JD‘Yes, I think when you're doing a clinic review from a template, you are more focused.’KS‘You can have a more focused consultation. When you're dictating the letter, it saves time. It makes a huge difference actually.’YS‘I think it saves me time because, as a fairly new staff member, I've only been seeing outpatients 2-plus years now. And it does keep me on track.’SMcG
  • Advantages/disadvantages. The templates were seen as advantageous in clinical reviews. ‘Advantages are that all the information is in one place, and I am not aware of any disadvantages.’RP‘It acts more as a reminder that you need to do things rather than just a clinical judgment tool.’YS‘I think templates are good in the fact that it means that there is a structure to review. It also means there is much less likelihood of things being missed.’JD
  • Evidence based. The IRT felt that the templates were up to date with current UK guidelines. ‘Collectively getting everybody together and developing these templates and using [them] in reviews [means they are] up to date and evidence based.’SMcG‘You're practising in a way that is adhering to guidelines and it does look very professional documentation that is evidence based.’YS‘Just making sure we're covering things, and they have been created based on our perspective [and following] guidelines as well.’SJ
  • Structured. The IRT participants reported that the templates supported a structured review. ‘For me it felt like some structure was needed so that I didn't miss anything.’KS‘But the good thing is it gives you a structure for you for your consultation.’BW
  • Consistent reviews. The IRT participants reported that the templates supported consistent reviews. ‘So those of us that are running outpatient clinics, there's that consistency there that we are all carrying out the same standard.’SMcG‘They're doing exactly the same across the region. So we've got consistency right across the piece. I think that's really, really important.’BW
  • Patient safety. The IRT felt that the use of templates supported safe patient care delivery. ‘Patient safety for me is the biggest thing and having a set template and knowing that that pathway is going to provide a safe conclusion.’BW‘So I think the world has evolved into a place where we need to be as safe as possible and the templates seem to make perfect sense.’YS‘I think the whole idea of what we do in the middle of a global pandemic, and you need to do something that is going to keep your patients safe and your staff safe. I think that the whole process of implementing the templates at that stage is absolutely spot on.’YS
  • Supporting staff members' knowledge and skills. The staff reported that the template helped to develop and maintain their knowledge and skills. ‘So actually, the template itself did help me coming into the role.’SMcG‘And it just keeps me on track that I can do a complete assessment without missing anything out.’SMcG‘If you're bringing a sleep medicine case and discussing it at the weekly MDT [multidisciplinary team meeting], which is something that most of the team will have very little knowledge about, then it is a teaching event as well.’JD‘Yeah, it definitely keeps your knowledge and skills up when we are aware that there is a change in guidelines, and this improves our knowledge and skills.’KS
  • Adverse impact on clinical autonomy, patient/clinician relationships, person-centred care. All IRT members reported that using the templates had no adverse effect on their autonomy, patient-professional relationships or person-centred care. ‘I can't think of any specific negative feedback.’JD‘Probably assists more than hinders your review because you're asking them really specific things that you can hopefully help them with.’SS‘Patient-professional relationships - I think it often makes the patient feel more at ease and you still have your autonomy although you're following a template.’JD‘I think autonomy is still upheld because we've got all the information in one place, the clinical judgment at the end of the of the review is still ours to conclude.’SMcG
  • Communication. The IRT reported that the templates supported good communication. ‘And so that you don't forget anything. And from that we can then see if there are outstanding questions, we can take it back to the IRT MDT or discuss it with one of our medical colleagues or discuss it with one of our peers. Just somebody else within the team. So, I think it really supports good communication.’YS
  • MDT working. The IRT reported that the templates supported MDT working. ‘We have a weekly MDT [meeting], and the templates supports whole MDT communication to share best practice’RP‘So I think developing them as a team was important because they feel included, they're more likely to take part in the whole process and more likely to use them. And then you've got the benefit of everybody's expertise across the team.’YS
  • Supporting the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) Code of conduct (NMC, 2018). One participant reported that the template supports the NMC Code. ‘I think it supports meeting your NMC Code because it's prioritising people because you want to get the best out of that time that you can and it's safe, and efficient and effective and professional.’YS
  • Continuity of template use and refining. All IRT members said they will continue to use the templates and refine them as disease-specific guidelines are updated. ‘It future proofs the service for any new staff coming in that it gives them a basis to start on and build from. So, it's worthwhile continuing.’KS‘It would obviously be adapted if there were changes in guidelines and protocols, it's flexible enough that it can be adapted.’BW
  • Discussion

    The arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020 had a major impact on the delivery of guidelines-based care by the IRT. The team had to pause all routine in-person clinical reviews that previously were conducted in clinics or during home visits across the region.

    Before the pandemic the IRT did not use a universal structured template for conducting clinical reviews. They subsequently went on to develop evidence-based clinical review templates for COPD, asthma, interstitial lung disease and oxygen assessment based on the current published guidelines in these conditions and the previous work by PM on the development of the sleep apnoea and continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) review templates.

    The use of templates in the clinical setting is not a new concept and they have been used in primary care for a number of years (Swinglehurst et al, 2012; Mann et al, 2018; Morrissey et al, 2021). The IRT were not aware of any similar structured clinical review templates being used in other secondary care settings before the pandemic and each team member used their own clinical judgement on what to include in their reviews of patients before the templates were implemented.

    Some team members said in their interviews that the templates supported them to conduct a thorough and structured review that meant that they did not miss out any important clinical observations. A number of interviewees said the templates saved time, with some commenting that once a patient review was complete, the template contents facilitated rapid dictation of a letter to the patient's GP recommending next steps.

    All eight interviewees said that the templates facilitated structured and consistent reviews, with some commenting that it was reassuring that the whole team were working to a common standard.

    They also felt that the consistency of reviews was important in supporting patient safety, particularly when in-person reviews were not permitted. The fact that the templates were developed using the latest evidence-based guidelines was an important factor for the IRT and the templates were also seen as supporting newer staff members to develop their knowledge and skills in these chronic respiratory diseases.

    In all eight interviews no perceived adverse impacts on clinical autonomy, clinician/patient relationships or person-centred care when using the templates were reported. Also, there had been no negative feedback from clinicians or patients.

    One important observation was that patients needed to have a confirmed clinical diagnosis before the templates were used, to avoid any possible misdiagnosis and the templates may be less useful where an asthma/COPD overlap may be diagnosed.

    Regarding MDT working, there was a consensus from the IRT that the template was very helpful in wider MDT discussions where there were complex cases that needed to be discussed with the medical team or other allied health professionals such as the physiotherapists, occupational therapists, pharmacists, psychologists or the palliative care team at the weekly MDT meeting.

    One interviewee reported that the templates supported them in adhering to their NMC Code, in terms of prioritising people, practising effectively, preserving patient safety and clinician safety, and promoting professionalism and trust (NMC, 2018).

    Another important theme that emerged from the interviews was that IRT members continue to use the templates 4 years on from the onset of the pandemic and they refine and update the templates when new disease-specific guidelines are published.

    Strengths and limitations

    Reflexivity refers to the process of critically self-reflecting throughout the research process to appraise one's own biases and preconceptions (Noble and Smith, 2015; Dodgson, 2019). Upholding reflexivity was an important consideration in this qualitative research study. Maintaining critical distance and impartiality during the data analysis was especially crucial since PM served as both principal investigator and a practising clinician with more than 23 years of experience working as a respiratory specialist nurse. As an ‘insider researcher’ PM may have had certain beliefs and perspectives that could potentially have influenced the research findings. PM took care to actively seek out criticisms and negative opinions about the templates during the interviews so that a full range of viewpoints could be captured. A topic guide was used during all eight interviews to ensure that the same questions were asked consistently by PM (principal investigator) (Table 1).

    The interviews were conducted in February 2023 – 3 years after the implementation of the templates by the IRT. PM left the team in June 2020 and a new team lead, YS, was in post from May 2020. The fact that the templates continue to be used and the IRT plan to continue to use and refine them as needed as part of their ongoing clinical practice would indicate that this has been a beneficial process that has supported the delivery of best evidence-based practice, patient safety, and structured and consistent MDT working within the IRT.

    The same IRT members who helped develop the templates were the subject of the research, which is potentially a limitation of the study. However, the templates were developed to reflect current guidelines and the fact that they continue to be used beyond the pandemic would suggest that they have been a useful service development and evaluation tool.

    There have been some concerns raised by other clinicians that the use of templates are a ‘tick-box exercise’ (Mann et al, 2018; Morrissey et al, 2021). Standardised review templates are used widely in primary care reviews of chronic conditions to systematise care processes and to document outcomes of patient-generated reviews. The use of such templates has the potential to impact clinician interactions and conversations during the reviews, which could potentially restrict a more patient-centred approach (Mann et al, 2018; Morrissey et al, 2021). However, this was not the experience reported by the IRT in this implementation evaluation. The use of the templates to guide consultations was not found to have a negative impact on clinical reviews in this research.

    It would be interesting to understand whether other respiratory nursing teams have adopted guideline-based templates in their services during the pandemic and if so, whether they found similar outcomes. This is an area for future research.


    In this qualitative research evaluation, the templates were intentionally designed to facilitate guidelines-based care by the IRT. The IRT reported that the use of the templates had no negative impacts on clinical autonomy, patient/professional relationships or patient-centred care. They reduced variation and standardised practice in the IRT service. With the advent of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic and beyond, introducing a structured review template has facilitated more remote reviews with care outcomes reported to be equivalent to in-person care. Remote reviews support environmental sustainability, the delivery of person-centred care and, additionally, can be cost-effective due to reduced travel and providing care in patients' homes. The continued use of the templates in the IRT's practice 3 years on from their introduction is an indication that this has been a service improvement for the IRT, with many positive outcomes. The templates may benefit other respiratory teams should they wish to adopt them.


  • The development of guideline-based structured templates during the COVID-19 pandemic facilitated safe, structured and consistent reviews of people with asthma, COPD, oxygen assessment requirement and interstitial lung diseases
  • The use of the templates during clinical reviews did not impact negatively on clinical autonomy, patient-professional relationships or patient-centred care
  • The integrated respiratory team continue to use and refine the templates as new guidelines are published
  • CPD reflective questions

  • If you work in a respiratory nursing team, do you use guideline-based structured respiratory review templates in your clinical practice? If not, consider whether the introduction of such templates could improve patient care
  • Would the wider development of guideline-based structured review templates drive service improvements and support education?
  • Is this an area that warrants wider research collaboration and the involvement of respiratory nursing associations? How could this be achieved?