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Interprofessional collaboration in acute care settings: qualitative research among nurses and radiographers

20 February 2025
Volume 34 · Issue 4



Interprofessional collaboration (IPC) not only benefits the multiprofessional team, but also has the potential to improve patient outcomes. Understanding the roles of health professional colleagues can lay a strong foundation for IPC, particularly in settings where timely procedures are crucial.


This study aimed to analyse perceptions of IPC among nurses and radiographers working in acute care settings.


A descriptive qualitative study involving online focus groups of nurses and radiographers working in acute care. The data collected were analysed through thematic analysis.


Four dimensions emerged from the analysis – organisational dimension, cognitive dimension, individual dimension and relational. Each represented a well-defined area and could be divided further into subthemes.


The four dimensions influence IPC among nurses and radiographers in acute care. Improving the factors identified and implementing changes can have a positive impact on patients' quality of care.

Interprofessional collaboration (IPC) involves different health professionals working co-operatively to positively impact the quality and safety of patient care, by integrating their skills and maximising their contribution to the care of the patient. It is worth highlighting that the pandemic affected the perception of IPC, with an increase in risk perception and awareness of the importance of this way of working compared with pre-pandemic times.

One definition of IPC describes it as a simple approach that is achievable in practice but, to ensure that it works well, an imbalance of authority, disagreement between health professional groups, and poor understanding of mutual roles and responsibilities all have to be taken into account (Carradore et al, 2022). It can also be defined as a collaborative practice, with a variety of health professional groups working with patients, families and caregivers to ensure the delivery of the highest possible quality of care (Muusse et al, 2023).

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