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New compact micro-hole zone catheter enables women to achieve effective bladder emptying without flow-stops

19 September 2024
Volume 33 · Issue 17



Clean intermittent self-catheterisation (CISC) with conventional eyelet catheters (CECs) is associated with urine flow-stops, which require the catheter to be repositioned so flow can resume. Flow-stops often occur because bladder mucosa is sucked into the eyelets.


This investigation aimed to compare the bladder-emptying performance of the micro-hole zone catheter (MHZC) with the CEC.


This was a multi-centre, randomised, open-label, controlled cross-over study with 82 women comparing the MHZC to the CEC. The endpoints relating to bladder-emptying performance included the residual volume at first flow-stop, the number of flow-stops and the proportion of successful treatment responses. The women's perception of the catheters was assessed as well as device discomfort.


Catheterisations with MHZC significantly reduced the risk of flow-stops, with relative risk results showing a 2.74 times lower risk of flow-stops with a health professional-led catheterisation and a 2.52 times lower risk during self-catheterisation. There was no statistical difference in residual urine volume at first flow-stop between the two catheters. Catheterisations with the MHZC were significantly more likely to achieve zero flow-stops and a residual urine volume of <10 ml at first flow-stop. The women had a significantly more positive perception of the MHZC than the CEC in areas including handling, confidence, sensation and satisfaction.


The MHZC enabled effective bladder emptying without catheters needing to be repositioned, supporting the women by simplifying the procedure and making them feel confident that their bladders were empty.

Clean self-intermittent catheterisation (CISC) has been established as the preferred bladder management method for people living with lower urinary tract dysfunction in terms of both safety and quality of life, compared to other types of urinary catheterisation (Chartier-Kastler and Denys, 2011; Romo et al, 2018; Gharbi et al, 2022; Sartori et al, 2024).

However, catheterisation using conventional eyelet catheters (CECs) involves a risk that the hydrodynamic pressure pulls the bladder mucosa towards and eventually into the eyelets, which can block the flow of urine; this is described as a urine flow-stop resulting from mucosal suction (Glahn, 1988). To resume flow and achieve a fully emptied bladder, the catheter has to be repositioned, as advised by nursing guidelines (Vahr Lauridsen et al, 2024).

However, in-vivo animal studies have demonstrated how repositioning a CEC following mucosal suction may inflict microtrauma to the bladder wall and can be related to haematuria (Glahn 1988; Glahn et al, 1988; Tentor et al, 2022a).

In addition, a flow-stop during catheterisation could mislead the CISC user into believing that the bladder is empty and conclude catheterisation prematurely, leaving post-void residual urine in the bladder (Kennelly et al, 2019).

A flow-stop during catheterisation with a CEC therefore poses an inherent dilemma between increasing confidence about the bladder being empty and minimising the potential risks related to repeated catheter repositioning.

Both residual urine and microtrauma are risk factors for urinary tract infection (UTI) in CISC users (Kennelly et al, 2019). This is one of the most commonly reported complications of CISC use (Pannek, 2011; Nazari et al, 2020), and it places a significant burden on both the individual and the healthcare system (Buchter et al, 2022).

The micro-hole zone catheter (MHZC) was developed to reduce these risks and concerns associated with performing CISC with CECs (Landauro et al, 2023a; 2023b; Thiruchelvam et al, 2024). The MHZC female compact catheter has 56 micro holes that extend from the tip and down the 27.7 mm drainage zone (at the Charrière (CH) sizes CH12 and CH14).

As blockages can occur with CECs used for CISC, the micro-hole zone technology was designed to reduce the risk of the urine flow being blocked because of mucosal suction. This attribute of the MHZC was recently displayed in clinical studies on an MHZC version for men, in which both the number of flow-stops and the residual volume of urine at the first flow-stop (RV1) were significantly lower when using the MHZC than when using a CEC (Landauro et al, 2023a; Thiruchelvam et al, 2024).

Furthermore, the MHZC was recently recommended in relation to complete bladder emptying in the European Association of Urological Nursing (EAUN) guidelines for CISC (Vahr Lauridsen et al, 2024). Both the number of flow-stops and the RV1 indicate a similar benefit to the CISC user, who can feel confident that the bladder is completely empty when the flow of urine through the catheter stops (Averbeck et al, 2023).

The aim of the present investigation was to compare the use of the compact MHZC with compact CECs in women carrying out CISC in terms of bladder-emptying performance, measured by the risk of flow-stops and RV1 and by eliciting users' perceptions of using the catheter in their own home.

Materials and methods

Investigation design

This investigation was a multi-centre, randomised, open-label, controlled cross-over study conducted across 11 sites in Denmark, the UK and France between August and November 2023.

The investigation was carried out in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki II (1964, as amended in Fortaleza, Brazil, October 2013) (World Medical Association, 2013), approved by local medical research ethics committees and competent authorities and registered at (NCT05814211). All subjects gave oral and written informed consent before being enrolled in the study.


The investigation included women aged ≥18 years who had been carrying out CISC (catheter sizes CH12 or CH14) for at least 1 month up to inclusion, emptied their bladder by CISC at least three times a day and had used a compact catheter for at least half the catheterisations performed during the 2 weeks before enrolment.

The subjects were required to indicate willingness and ability to adhere to the intervention procedures and not participate in any other clinical studies throughout the duration of this investigation.

Subjects were excluded from participation if they had conditions that could affect their safety or the integrity of results (such as signs of a UTI), were pregnant or breastfeeding, had excessive production of urinary mucus/sediments/debris that potentially contraindicated the use of a regular intermittent catheter or were hypersensitive to the ingredients in the catheters being tested.

Intervention and procedure

The duration of the investigation was approximately 4 weeks for each subject, and it involved one information clinic visit on site (visit V0), three clinic visits on site (visits V1–V3) and two 2-week test periods at home (T1 and T2) using an MHZC in one and a CEC in the other (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Investigation design.

At V1, subjects were enrolled, randomised to using either the CEC or the MHZC during their first test period (T1), then introduced to the catheter. At V2, participants were introduced to the second catheter, which would be tested during the second test period, T2. The cross-over design of the study ensured that all completing subjects would test both catheters. All endpoint data were collected at V2 and V3, which took place immediately after T1 and T2. V3 concluded the subjects' participation in the investigation.

Data were collected using bladder-emptying performance testing of both a health professional-led catheterisation and a self-catheterisation, a perception questionnaire related to the preceding test period with questions on ‘handling’, ‘sensation’, ‘confidence and control’ and ‘satisfaction’, scored on a five-point Likert scale, and a subjective scoring using a 10 cm visual analogue scale for discomfort during self-catheterisation related to insertion, emptying, completion and withdrawal of the catheter, with 0 cm indicating no discomfort and 10 cm indicating the worst possible pain. After catheterisation, the post-void residual urine volume was measured with a bladder scanner (BladderScan i10, Verathon).

The primary and secondary endpoints of the investigation were bladder-emptying performance during health professional-led catheterisation and self-catheterisation, and included the number of flow-stops and RV1. Although these endpoints are closely related, the RV1 during health professional-led catheterisation was assigned as the primary endpoint. Flow-stops were defined as a period of 2 seconds with an average flow rate below 0.8 ml/s, and RV1 was calculated as the difference between the total volume catheterised minus the volume catheterised at first flow-stop.

Sample size calculations were based on three exploratory studies that investigated prototypes of the MHZC with women and men who carried out CISC as well as healthy volunteers (Landauro et al, 2023a; 2023b; Thiruchelvam et al, 2024). An adequate sample size for the primary endpoint of RV1 was estimated to be 72 subjects, assuming a standard 20% drop-out rate.

Data analysis

Statistical analyses were performed on the full analysis set, where subjects used at least one catheter and had at least one endpoint recorded. Primary and secondary endpoints were analysed in a generalised linear mixed model, with subjects included as random components, and the visits and catheters as fixed variables. RV1 was compared by the mean difference between catheters and presented with 95% CI and P values, while flow-stops were compared using relative risk (RR).

A post-hoc responder analysis was conducted to further evaluate bladder-emptying performance, testing the proportion of catheterisations achieving the desired treatment outcomes. Responses to treatment were defined as complete bladder drainage at first flow-stop and catheterisations without flow-stops. These outcomes were defined based on research on the male MHZC version, which identified an RV1 value of <10 ml as indicative of successful treatment (Landauro et al, 2023a). The number of successful treatment responses was analysed using a generalised linear mixed model, with individual subjects as a random component, and compared using odds ratios (OR). The responder analyses were performed on the health professional-led catheterisations and self-catheterisation pooled together to ensure statistical power (Snapinn and Jiang, 2007).

Descriptive statistics were used to present the ordinal scale questionnaire responses and the visual analogue scale scores of discomfort, and post-hoc statistical analyses were performed on the perception questionnaire data to generate comparative data by applying a generalised linear mixed model with subject included as a random component. Comparative analysis of the perception questions was presented using OR. All statistical analyses were performed with SAS v9.4/Enterprise Guide v7.1.


Baseline characteristics

In this investigation, 82 female CISC users were recruited and enrolled at 11 sites; four sites were in Denmark, four were in the UK and three were in France. One subject dropped out when it was discovered that she was pregnant after randomisation at V1 but before any product exposure, which meant that 81 subjects were included in the trial population; two discontinued the intervention without any endpoints recorded, leaving 79 subjects in the full analysis set (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Flow chart of subjects at each stage of the investigation

Table 1 shows the baseline demographic characteristics of the study population. The average age of the subjects was 54.1 years (range 24-78 years) with 72% having neurogenic lower urinary tract dysfunction and 65% having normal urethral sensation. The most commonly used catheters at baseline were female SpeediCath compact catheters (Coloplast) – the Compact Eve (67%), Compact Female (15%) or Compact Female Plus (7%).

Age (years) Height (cm) Weight (kg) BMI (kg/m2)
Mean±SD 54.1±12.6 170±10 74.8±18.8 27.5±8.2
Median 56.0 170 74.0 26.2
Range 24–78 140–180 40–166 17.3–81.2
Neurogenic lower urinary tract dysfunction
Yes (%) 58 (71.6)
No (%) 23 (28.4)
Urethral sensation
None (%) 9 (11.1)
Impaired (%) 18 (22.2)
Normal (%) 53 (65.4)
Hypersensitive (%) 1 (1.2)
Walking (%) 56 (69.1)
Walking with difficulty or aids (%) 19 (23.5)
Using a wheelchair (%) 6 (7.4)
Confined to bed (%) 0 (0)
Current catheter
B. Braun Actreen Mini (%) 1 (1.2)
Hollister Infyna Chic (%) 1 (1.2)
SpeediCath Compact Eve (%) 54 (66.7)
SpeediCath Compact Female (%) 12 (14.8)
SpeediCath Compact Female Plus (%) 6 (7.4)
Wellspect Lofric (Elle/Sense/Primo) (%) 7 (8.6)
Catheter size used
CH12 (%) 70 (86.4)
CH14 (%) 11 (13.6)

Bladder-emptying performance

Figure 3 shows the frequency distribution of bladder-emptying performance results for the health professional-led catheterisation and self-catheterisation.

Figure 3. Frequency plot of bladder-emptying performance results, residual volume at first flow-stop (RV1) and the number of flow-stops, divided into categories and presented for both the micro-hole zone catheter and the conventional eyelet catheter, and recorded for health professional-led catheterisation and for self-catheterisation

A few unexpectedly high RV1 values were observed for both catheters, with 16 of 289 total catheterisations (eight for each catheter), resulting in an RV1>100 ml (Figure 3).

Table 2 presents the results regarding bladder-emptying performance of the MHZC and the CEC during both health professional-led and self-catheterisations. The mean RV1 differences between the catheters were −7.35 ml (P=0.480) in the health professional-led catheterisations and 7.89 ml (P=0.414) in the self-catheterisations. The risk of a flow-stop occurring was significantly lower when catheterising with the MHZC. The RR analyses showed a 2.74 times lower risk (P=0.024) during health professional-led catheterisations and a 2.52 times lower risk (P=0.036) during self-catheterisations. Furthermore, the responder analyses demonstrated that there was a significantly higher likelihood of both zero flow-stops and an RV1<10 ml with the MHZC.

Mean [95% CI] Mean difference [95% CI] Relative risk [95% CI] Odds Ratio [95% CI] P-value
Residual urine at first flow-stop (ml)Health professional-led catheterisation 23.22 [4.65–41.80] 15.87 [6.09–25.65] −7.35 [−28.00, 13.30] 0.480
Residual urine at first flow-stop (ml)Self-catheterisation 19.88 [5.73–34.04] 27.77 [12.14–43.40] 7.89 [−11.24, 27.01] 0.414
Flow-stop episodes (number)Health professional-led catheterisation 0.21 [0.10–0.44] 0.57 [0.39–0.82] 2.74 [1.14–6.54] 0.024
Flow-stop episodes (number)Self-catheterisation 0.28 [0.12–0.63] 0.71 [0.52–0.95] 2.52 [1.06–6.00] 0.036
Proportion of positive responses to treatment; RV1<10 ml (%)Health professional-led and self-catheterisation 83 [0.76–0.89] 71 [0.63–0.78] 0.49 [0.27–0.87] 0.016
Proportion of positive responses to treatment; 0 flow-stops (%)Health professional-led and self-catheterisation 87 [0.80–0.92] 57 [0.48–0.65] 0.20 [0.11–0.36] <0.001

Catheter performance was analysed by the residual urine at first flow-stop, mean number of flow-stops and the proportion of positive responses to treatment. The statistical analyses tested the hypothesis of difference between MHZC and CEC in the full analysis set (n=79)

CEC=conventional eyelet catheter, MHZC=micro-hole zone catheter

Specifically, the OR for zero flow-stops was 0.49 (P=0.016) and the OR for RV <10 ml was 0.20 (P<0.001). Successful response to treatment in terms of achieving RV1 <10 ml was observed in 83% (95% CI [0.76–0.89]) of total catheterisations with the MHZC and 71% (95% CI [0.63–0.78]) with the CEC. When applying zero flow-stops as the criterion for a successful treatment response, 87% (95% CI [0.80–0.92] of total MHZC catheterisations achieved a successful treatment compared to 57% (95% CI [0.48–0.65] of total CEC catheterisations. The mean post-void residual urine volume in the bladder was 4.8 ml (SD 16.4) for the MHZC and 12.0 ml (SD 40.4) for the CEC after the health professional-led catheterisations. After self-catheterisations, the mean post-void residual volume was 7.7 ml (SD 13.9) with the MHZC and 9.3 ml (SD 20.5) using the CEC.

Perception and discomfort

The women answered the perception questions for the MHZC and the CEC using five-point Likert scales. They had a more positive perception of the MHZC than the CEC across all six handling-related questions (P<0.05), on six out of seven confidence-related questions (P<0.05), on all four sensation-related questions (P<0.001) and on all three satisfaction-related questions (P<0.001). Feeling confident that the catheter emptied the bladder completely was more likely after using the MHZC (P<0.001) and more women also agreed that it was fast to empty their bladder completely using the MHZC (P=0.017).

Feeling a pinching/stinging sensation during catheterisation was less likely when catheterising with the MHZC (P<0.001) and more subjects agreed that it was ‘gentle’ to insert the MHZC catheter (P=0.001), empty the bladder (P<0.001), and to withdraw the catheter (P=0.001). More subjects reported satisfaction with the MHZC (P<0.001) and wanting to use the MHZC in the future (P<0.001).

The perception questions and results are shown in Table 3.

Handling Very easy Easy Neither difficult nor easy Difficult Very difficult Don't know Odds ratio (95% CI, P value)
How is it to use the catheter?
MHZC 57 17 1 3 0 0 3.11 (1.54–6.29; P=0.002)
CEC 38 21 7 11 0 0
How is it to open the catheter?
MHZC 46 23 7 2 0 0 3.84 (2.01–7.34; P<0.001)
CEC 25 26 8 15 3 0
How is it to insert the catheter?
MHZC 52 18 5 2 1 0 2.61 (1.42–4.79; P=0.002)
CEC 33 29 7 7 1 0
How is it to empty the bladder?
MHZC 51 19 5 3 0 0 2.96 (1.56–5.60; P=0.001)
CEC 28 35 10 2 2 0
How is it to handle the catheter during insertion?
MHZC 45 24 5 3 1 0 2.32 (1.35–3.99; P=0.003)
CEC 31 22 15 8 1 0
How is it to re-close the catheter?
MHZC 27 34 6 6 2 3 2.03 (1.11–3.72; P=0.022)
CEC 25 16 9 15 10 2

CEC=conventional eyelet catheter, MHZC=micro-hole zone catheter

Perception questions for the MHZC and the CEC used five-point scales. Odds ratios were calculated as MHZC:CEC.

This was owing to a self-reported lack of urethral sensation.

The OR for this question was calculated as the odds of disagreeing with the statement, in contrary to all other questions

The mean scores of discomfort on the 10 cm visual analogue scale for the MHZC was 0.3 cm (SD 0.8) at insertion, 0.2 cm (SD 0.7) during emptying, 0.3 cm (SD 0.7) by completion and 0.4 cm (SD 1.2) at withdrawal. For the CEC, the mean visual analogue scale-scored discomfort was 1.1 cm (SD 2.3) at insertion, 0.9 cm (SD 1.8) during emptying, 1.2 cm (SD 2.3) by completion, and 1.3 cm (SD 2.4) at withdrawal.

Adverse events

A total of 23 adverse events were observed during the investigation, none of which were serious. Three of these were related to the MHZC and four to the CEC. The seven adverse related to the devices concerned well-established risks of catheter use, including UTI, haematuria and dysuria.


This investigation aimed to demonstrate that bladder-emptying performance is improved when an MHZC is used rather than CEC. Endpoints related to the risk of flow-stops, namely RV1, the number of flow-stops and the proportion of successful treatment responses.

The number of flow-stops was significantly lower with the MHZC, both when self-catheterising and when the catheterisation was performed by a health professional. Similarly, the MHZC was found to be significantly more likely to achieve the criteria of success for both treatment responses.

The mean RV1 was not significantly different between the catheters, which was unexpected as the risk of flow-stops during catheterisation should be closely related to the amount of urine remaining in the bladder when the flow-stop occurs. The expected association between these endpoints and the explanation of individual results is explored below.

Flow-stops and residual urine

Compact catheters are highly valued by CISC users for their convenience and discretion (Pinder et al, 2015), and provide a suitable bladder-emptying solution for the vast majority of women, consistently enabling successful catheterisation (Biering-Sørensen et al, 2007). With CECs, however, successful catheterisation often relies on repositioning the catheter to fully empty the bladder because of urine flow-stops (Glahn, 1988; Glahn et al, 1988; Tentor et al, 2022a).

The female compact MHZC was designed to combine discretion with the improved catheterisation experience of achieving an empty bladder without the need for repositioning; MHZCs have been recognised by the EAUN CISC guideline as being able to do this (Vahr Lauridsen et al, 2024).

When the flow of urine stops during catheterisation, CISC users are advised to slowly withdraw the catheter in small steps (Vahr Lauridsen et al, 2024). This repositioning can make the urine flow again if flow-stops have arisen because the catheter eyelets have become blocked by bladder mucosa being sucked into them by hydrodynamic pressure (Glahn, 1988). To ensure that the bladder is completely empty, repeated cycles of flow-stops and repositioning might be needed at each catheterisation. This can cause repeated damage to the bladder tissue; in-vivo experiments using animal models have demonstrated how mucosal suction can cause microtrauma to the bladder tissue during catheter repositioning (Tentor et al, 2022b). In addition, withdrawing the catheter prematurely, potentially because of misinterpreting a flow-stop as an empty bladder, risks leaving residual urine in the bladder (Kennelly et al, 2019).

UTIs are complex and multifactorial (Vasudeva and Madersbacher, 2014; Kennelly et al, 2019) and a burden on CISC users that needs addressing (Pannek, 2011; Nazari et al, 2020; Buchter et al, 2022). Since both residual urine in the bladder and bladder microtrauma are risk factors for UTIs (Kennelly et al, 2019), catheter repositioning with CECs creates a dilemma. The benefit of using the MHZC is that it helps to avoid the dilemma by having significantly fewer flow-stops and enabling significantly more successful catheterisations without flow-stops, as the results of this investigation show. These results are supported by the earlier investigations on the MHZC for men, which found that MHZCs performed significantly better than CECs, including fewer flow-stops and a lower RV1 (Landauro et al, 2023a; 2023b; Thiruchelvam et al, 2024).

Despite the significantly lower number of flow-stops with the MHZC, no difference in RV1 means was observed, possibly a result of the influence of a few flow-stops with both catheters that resulted in extreme RV1 values but did not display any apparent pattern or systematic relation to the subjects. Flow-stop identification in this investigation relied on the average urine flow rate and did not have the added feature of a pressure sensor that similar investigations involving the male version of the MHZC included (Landauro et al, 2023a; Thiruchelvam et al, 2024). This meant that flow-stops resulting from mucosal suction could not be distinguished from other flow-stops. Animal experiments have demonstrated how the mucosal suction flow-stops that commonly occur with CECs are negligible with MHZCs (Schrøder et al, 2024). The flow-stops resulting in extreme RV1 values presumably occurred early during catheterisation and therefore are likely to stem from other causes of low flow rate, such as a catheter handling issue or incomplete catheter insertion. The flow-stops with the CECs later in the catheterisation, when the bladder empties and the bladder wall comes increasingly closer to the catheter eyelets, are more likely to result from mucosal suction into the eyelets.

Achieving successful catheterisations

In this clinical investigation, responder analyses were introduced as an expansion of the data analyses because of the few extreme RV1 values, which presented a challenge to the predetermined statistical model.

The general distribution of RV1 values tends to be positively skewed since most are close to 0 ml, which can cause such extreme values so as to prevent meaningful interpretation of the mean values and evaluation of actual catheter performance.

Responder analyses assessed the proportion of patients who achieved the positive treatment response threshold, highlighting individual patient responses rather than average effects across the entire population (Snapinn and Jiang, 2007; Henschke et al, 2014). Successful treatment responses were identified as the desired outcome of catheterisation being achieved in individuals, ie complete and effective bladder emptying without repositioning, zero flow-stops and complete emptying of the bladder, which was defined as an RV1<10 ml.

Defining an empty bladder is not straightforward considering the continuous production of urine into the bladder (Huang Foen Chung and van Mastrigt, 2009) and that, even with normal bladder function, empty does not necessarily equal 0 ml of residual urine (Haylen, 2007). The <10 ml threshold was defined based on clinical investigations on the male MHZC model, in which 90% of catheterisations resulted in RV1<10 ml; this is a reasonable indicator of an empty bladder, certain to have no clinically significant volume of residual urine (Asimakopoulos et al, 2016). The results of the responder analyses indicated that a significantly higher proportion of CISC users would be enabled by the MHZC to empty their bladder fully without experiencing flow-stops and having to reposition the catheter.

Catheter perception

This investigation included a broad sample of women with a variety of underlying reasons for using CISC, including 28% with non-neurogenic lower urinary tract dysfunction. All had experience of compact catheter use and the majority reported normal urethral sensation, with only 11% reporting no urethral sensation, which helped to ensure the validity of discomfort evaluation and perception questionnaire responses.

Overall, 19 out of the 20 perception questions resulted in a significantly higher positive response rate for the MHZC than for the CEC, which showed that women could clearly perceive and appreciate the differences between the two catheterisation experiences.

Some important factors for improving quality of life for CISC users relate to increasing autonomy and self-confidence in the procedure and treatment success (Fumincelli et al, 2017). The benefit of this investigations, with the results showing fewer flow-stops and more successful catheterisations without flow-stops, was supported by the CISC users' own perception of the MHZC. Significantly more users felt confident that the MHZC emptied their bladder completely and they reported general satisfaction with the MHZC.

Pain also influences CISC users' overall satisfaction (Moghalu et al, 2021) and, with the MHZC, significantly fewer CISC users felt a pinching/stinging sensation during catheterisation. This was supported by the perception of catheter insertion, bladder emptying and withdrawal, where significantly more CISC users reported a milder sensation when using the MHZC than when using CECs. Additionally, reports of discomfort relating to catheter insertion, emptying, completion and withdrawal using visual analogue scale were low for MHZC, with means in a range of 0.2–0.4 cm. As the visual analogue scale is rated 0-10 cm, with 0 cm indicating no discomfort and 10 cm indicating the worst possible pain, visual analogue scale reports of 0–3 cm during CISC have been characterised as ‘no or minimal pain’ (Kessler et al, 2009), meaning that both catheters caused no or minimal discomfort in this investigation.

Overall, the perception and discomfort results supported the investigation's bladder-emptying performance results in illustrating the benefits to the women of using an MHZC by enabling effective bladder emptying without flow-stops and with minimal discomfort.


This investigation evaluated the benefits of using an MHZC over CECs for female CISC users by combining group summary measures and responder analyses. More CISC users achieved a successful catheterisation with the MHZC because they did not have to reposition the catheter because of flow-stops.

The users' own perception was supportive of the benefits of using the MHZC, including a higher proportion of users reporting feeling confident around their bladders being empty and responding positively to all sensation-related questions.

The MHZC allows women who carry out CISC to simplify their catheterisation procedure by enabling effective bladder emptying without flow-stops and feeling confident about having emptied their bladders completely. These benefits are likely to be felt directly by the women during their daily lives, but also contribute to reducing the general risk of both residual urine and avoiding mucosal suction in the bladder.


  • Performing clean intermittent self-catheterisation (CISC) with conventional eyelet catheters (CECs) involves a risk that the bladder mucosa may be pulled into eyelets, causing microtrauma and stopping the flow of urine
  • When using a micro-hole zone catheter (MHZC), women carrying out CISC experience fewer flow-stops during catheterisation than when using a CEC
  • The MHZC enables more women to achieve successful CISC, defined as catheterisations where the residual volume of urine at first flow-stop is <10 ml or catheterisations with zero flow-stops, compared to the CEC
  • Women had a more positive perception of the MHZC than of the CEC on 19/20 questions relating to catheter-related handling, confidence, sensation and satisfaction
  • Both the bladder-emptying performance and women's perceptions suggest there are clear benefits to using the MHZC; these include feeling confident they have emptied the bladder with a simpler catheterisation procedure without having to reposition the device because of flow-stops
  • CPD reflective questions

  • In your practice, are patients carrying out clean intermittent self-catheterisation being instructed when to reposition their catheter during catheterisation? To what degree do the they comply?
  • Does repositioning the catheter cause discomfort for patients?
  • How do flow-stops feel and are patients aware that these can occur due to catheter eyelets being blocked by bladder mucosa?