Key dates in the outbreak are shown in Figure 1. The outbreak lasted 9 months from April 2015 to January 2016 and was declared closed on 12 January 2016. However, a further two cases were identified...
‘Broad clusters of general attributes which are considered essential for effective performance.’ .
‘The competencies presented in this document focus only on those skills unique to the role of CRNs. Clinical skills are assessed through different processes.’ .
It is estimated that approximately 60% of the nursing workforce consists of NQNs (Whitehead et al, 2013). The Department of Health (DH) referred to a ‘newly registered practitioner’ as a ‘nurse,...
In this randomised clinical trial, participants were matched for age, gender, economic status, type of surgery and welfare status (heath insurance status). Seventy patients referred for surgery on the...
A number of quantitative studies look at different aspects associated with facial disfigurement resulting from surgery for HNC (Rogers et al, 2008; Moolenburgh et al, 2009; Fingeret et al, 2012)....
Undertaking an international elective has been identified as having a long-lasting effect far beyond the period of the actual stay overseas and has been widely acknowledged as having a positive impact...
A cross-sectional, multicentre study was carried out on a non-randomised convenience sample of students attending nursing degree courses at the University of Milan (San Paolo School of Nursing) and...
People with diabetes constantly walk a tightrope between strict glycaemic control to delay and/or slow the progression of micro- and macrovascular complications.
RRSs were developed to address failures in recognition and escalation of deteriorating patients in hospital. While these systems have made some impact on the recognition of the deteriorating patient...
This descriptive-analytical study was conducted in 2017 in six main phases. First a literature review was carried out using the scientific databases of Web of Science, PubMed, Science Direct, Scopus,...
Table 2 provides the validity and reliability estimates for the component scales of Folkman and Lazarus's Ways of Coping questionnaire. In terms of validity, the instrument was modified...
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