Promoting excellence, governance and innovation in prescribing education
The Scottish Prescribing Programmes Leads Network (SPPLN) was first developed several years ago to support the strategic direction of Scottish higher education institutions (HEIs) relating to health professionals undertaking prescribing education programmes. The network promotes a process that is high-quality and consistent across learning, teaching and assessment curriculum in post-registration nursing, midwifery and allied health (NMAHP) prescribing programmes. This preserves Scottish HEI teams' governance and ensures that the national approach and provision is of a One Scotland voice. This is pertinent in the evolving and challenging context of higher education, as staff obtain programme leader roles and require support to develop and progress programmes in line with requirements of professional, statutory and regulatory bodies (PSRB); these prescribing programmes have smaller intakes than preregistration student numbers but they have high stakes in terms of patient safety responsibilities.
The group has representation on the national NHS prescribing strategic leads group and, when advice is sought, provides consultancy to local and national HEI and NHS groups. The SPPLN continues to develop in areas of national research and collaboration to support growth and funding for projects relating to prescribing and medicine management. This is an area that is beginning to gain momentum and become re-invigorated following the COVID-19 pandemic.
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