This website is intended for healthcare professionals


Capacity to execute a lasting power of attorney

Executing an LPA means to create and register the instrument so that it becomes effective. The Mental Capacity Act 2005, section 9(2)(c), requires that at the time a person executes an LPA they are...

Looking after you: how to cope with day-to-day life as a student nurse

So, take a breath and let's talk about looking after you. Here are some things that I and my fellow students do to keep our mental and physical health on track (somewhat):.

Regulation and support for international registrants practising at advanced level

In discussions with the NMC, the report's author, Lisa Plotkin, Head of Policy and Influence at the FNF, said that, despite their valuable AP experience, many IENMs face challenges in having their...

Rebranding nursing

Nurses constitute the largest group of health professionals, they possess a diverse skill set and continue to be highly sought after in various settings, including hospitals and acute care, schools,...

Addressing numeracy challenges in education

For many students, numeracy is a source of anxiety. The concept of maths anxiety, a form of performance anxiety linked to negative emotional responses to mathematical tasks, has been widely documented...

Untangling the complex web of NHS patient safety bodies

Confidence in the NHS patient safety, health regulatory and governance framework has been, in my view, seriously damaged by the performance shortcomings of the CQC, and only time will tell whether it...

The future of geroncology

As the global population experiences a demographic shift, understanding the complexities of ageing becomes crucial for both individuals and professionals. Geroncology brings together the sciences of...

Facilitating patient and staff collaboration

The department I work in supports people receiving care as part of a directly commissioned highly specialist service for patients with neurofibromatosis. Highly specialist services such as this are...

Celebrating the contributions of Black nurses to nursing's history

The further back we go, into pre-colonial times, the harder it has been for me to find information. Since the autobiography The Wonderful Adventures of Mrs Seacole in Many Lands was reprinted in 1984,...

Continuous professional development for the nursing associate

NAs are required to meet the revalidation requirements set out by the NMC (2021), including 35 hours of continuous professional development (CPD), 20 of which must be participatory learning. It is...

Developing an NHS patient safety culture: swings and roundabouts

We are knocking on an open door when it comes to the need to develop an NHS patient safety culture. Everybody who works in or is connected with the NHS, including patients, would agree that this must...

Health and care lasting power of attorney: key features

An LPA allows capable adults to nominate one or more people to act on their behalf if they are unable to make decisions themselves at some point in the future..

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