In its seminal report, Opening the Door to Change, the Care Quality Commission (CQC) (2018) stated:.
A presentation to Northamptonshire Health Charity supported the transformation of two side rooms into pilot Swan rooms to support the delivery of end-of-life care with a particular focus on the needs...
One of the specific domains examined by CQC inspectors is safety. The safety domain encompasses many components and key lines of enquiry, but several of them pertain to cleanliness, infection control...
Play therapy is a communication tool used to alleviate chronic, mild and moderate psychological and emotional conditions in children (Play Therapy UK, 2017). The focus for this article is the role...
Recognising that a patient may be nearing the end of their life is a key consideration. Early recognition of dying is vital to allow for discussions to be started about the patient's wishes, for...
‘To advise UK health departments on immunisations for the prevention of infections and/or disease following due consideration of the evidence on the burden of disease, on vaccine safety and efficacy...
The patient presented at the lymphoedema outpatient clinic. On initial examination, moderately severe lymphoedema was noted – Stage II according to the International Society of Lymphology consensus...
ADHD has had a long history of reclassification and debate. Until very recently the diagnosis of ADHD was not included within the international classification of diseases (ICD-10) (World Health...
The NHS and other patient safety stakeholder organisations have been consistent over the years in producing well-thought-out and articulate patient safety policy plans while at the same time major...
Despite reports implicating micro-organisms in carrying drug resistance genes from colonised sink traps to vulnerable hospitalised patients, the mechanism of transmission from the wastewater of the...