Confidence in the NHS patient safety, health regulatory and governance framework has been, in my view, seriously damaged by the performance shortcomings of the CQC, and only time will tell whether it...
No doubt the final Dash report on the CQC will also find that the NHS health regulatory, governance framework, patient safety system is too complex, overlapping, fragmented and ripe for reform. This...
Early assessment of need and access to appropriate interventions following stoma surgery may facilitate a smoother transition with less disruption across many areas of patients' lives, thereby...
The Department of Health's Essence of Care document (2010) emphasised that oral hygiene is a priority and a standard facet of patient care. Nurses, who work at the heart of health care, may find...
Walsh (2020) captures this issue well:.
The NHS Constitution for England (Department of Health, 2015) can be seen as an attempt to balance the healthcare equation. Rights and pledges for patients, the public and NHS staff are set out, as...
‘How can traumatised people learn to integrate ordinary sensory experiences so that they can feel secure and complete in their bodies?’ .
The Children Act 1989, section 20 concerns the duty of a local authority to provide accommodation for children in need. It contains no compulsory provisions and no compulsory curtailment of parental...
‘We contend that part of the ongoing muddle about safety cultures stems from this lack of focused attention on the nature and implications of justice in the field of patient safety.’ .