At the beginning of October, Brighton played host to the Association of Stoma Care Nurses UK (ASCN UK) Annual Conference and 10-year anniversary celebrations. This year's theme ‘Making waves and...
Given the issues with clinical placements, higher education institutions, along with their clinical partners, were required to develop innovative ways of ensuring students had the required hours and...
Following the Second World War the European Convention on Fundamental Rights and Freedoms (1950) (the Convention) was created by the Council of Europe to formalise the relationship between individuals...
In 2019, the Government published Advancing Our Health: Prevention in the 2020s announcing the ambition for England to become ‘smokefree’ by 2030 (achieved when 5% or less of the population smoke).
UTI is defined as an infection of the urinary system, involving lower tract, upper tract or both (NICE, 2020a). The pathogens responsible for UTI include Escherichia coli (E. coli), which accounts for...
I read with great interest the article by Michelle Mello (2020) regarding practising personalised care for nursing professionals. As a fifth-year medical student at Imperial College London, I can...
Current practice in Irish rheumatology units is that either a clinical nurse specialist (CNS) or an advanced nurse practitioner (ANP) delivers patient education to patients in a multitude of formats,...
In the UK, DKA is a significant concern, particularly among young adults aged 18 to 24 years, where the incidence is highest (Joint British Diabetes Societies for Inpatient Care, 2023). The frequency...
Defining the stoma care CNS role is difficult because of the number and variety of activities that are undertaken and the rapid way in which nursing roles evolve..