The NHS is facing an uncertain future, crippled by increasing financial constraints and population demands (The King's Fund, 2015). An ageing population is of particular concern for dermatology...
To assess existing levels of ENT knowledge among ANPs in the UK, a survey based on multiple-choice questions titled ANP Survey on Button Batteries in ENT was developed by ENT specialists, focusing on...
OSCEs were primarily introduced in medical education as a means of assessing the skills and ability of surgical students, rather than a test of factual knowledge (Cuschieri et al, 1979). The use of...
The possible list of differential diagnoses within the integumentary system is vast (Lynch, 1994). Although it is unlikely that those working outside the dermatology specialty will have a depth of...
Memory assessment teams are viewed as specialist diagnostic services (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, (NICE), 2019) and have an integral role in ensuring people receive a timely...
As well as the ability to autonomously conduct history taking and physical examination skills, the ACPs in the team complete several clinical procedures including bone marrow biopsies, central venous...
Surgical care practitioners (SCPs) are permanent members of the surgical team and therefore maintain service provision and provide continuity of care to the patient (Nicholas, 2010). According to the...
The aim of the study was to examine the way in which the ACP role is used in acute and primary settings in one region of England and to understand its facilitators and barriers..
In recent years, globally, the profile of the nursing profession has increased and with it the demand for nurses to work at advanced levels of nursing practice, with such roles requiring a range of...