This website is intended for healthcare professionals


The role of the nurse leader in facilitating effective support and communication to raise concerns

Raising concerns can feel daunting, no matter what level of responsibility a leader has within an organisation. It has been well documented within previous high-profile organisational reviews that the...

End-stage heart failure patients in ICU: the importance of advance planning and effective communication

Paul Lee (a pseudonym) was a 72-year-old man with a wife and family. He was diagnosed with dilated cardiomyopathy following a myocardial infarction. This then led to a diagnosis of heart failure with...

Changing the culture around hospital-based nutrition

The aim was to develop a wide, multifactorial collaborative approach to reduce the risk of such incidents recurring following a serious event..

Advanced non-medical roles within surgery and their engagement with assistive health technologies

The origins of the SCP role date back to 1989, when a nurse from Oxford travelled to the USA for a 6-month period to observe and undertake training, similar to that of a physician assistant (Holmes,...

Developing an e-learning curriculum to educate healthcare staff in the acute hospital setting about autism

First described in the 1940s, autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a lifelong heterogeneous neurodevelopmental condition characterised by qualitative challenges with social communication, interaction and...

Co-constructing conversations about suicide: the Meeting Space Framework

Pesut and Thorne (2007) discussed the necessity of nurses adopting an orientation to spirituality in practice and a reciprocal role based on humanity. Noticing and responding to suicidal persons is...

Consultation and clinical assessment of the genitourinary system for advanced clinical practitioners

The quality of the communication during nurse–patient consultations can have a considerable impact on patient outcomes (O’Hagan et al, 2014). Therefore, the nurse should use a combination of verbal...

Using social media in contemporary nursing: risks and benefits

According to the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) there are 660 000 registered nurses and midwives in the UK, and 355 000 are regular users of Facebook (NMC, 2019). Facebook is the most used social...

Redeployment during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic: implications for a clinical research workforce

In total, 379 clinical research staff from one NHS Trust were invited to participate; 43 questionnaire responses were received, giving an 11% response rate..

Undertaking consultations and clinical assessments at advanced level

Communication with patients is key to all aspects of clinical practice. Seminal NHS frameworks and policy drivers place effective communication at the core of providing a person-centred approach in...

Reducing restrictive practice: a pertinent issue for children's services

Reducing restrictive practice in adult, mental health and learning disability services with the aim of limiting the occurrence of challenging behaviour is clearly being driven forward with the CQC...

Using simulated patients as a learning strategy to support undergraduate nurses to develop patient-teaching skills

Patient education is part of nursing practice (NMC, 2018b), and integral to person-centred care (World Health Organization (WHO), 2011). Some authors (Lin and Wang, 2017; Richard et al, 2018) have...

An exploration of providing mental health skills in a generic advanced clinical practice programme

The aim of this research was to investigate the efficacy of mental health-specific content within an MSc ACP generic programme designed for healthcare disciplines including adult nurses, paediatric...

Reflecting on the communication process in health care. Part 1: clinical practice—breaking bad news

Reflection is a highly beneficial tool (Oelofsen, 2012), one that has played a key role in the author's ongoing examination of her practice. In this context, reflection enables a personal insight into...

Social media participatory CPD for nursing revalidation, professional development and beyond

Some organisations responsible for health care are using social media for sharing knowledge that improves nursing practice and skills. For example, the Resuscitation Council UK has made a video on A-E...

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