This website is intended for healthcare professionals


Nursing students' skills in applying short-stretch compression bandages using the control of compression bandaging score

Nurses' knowledge of VLUs and familiarity with compression therapy devices appears to be low (Heyer et al, 2017b; Duran-Saenz et al, 2022). In 2014, Ylönen et al (2014) conducted a systematic review...

HIV Matters: an educational podcast series to improve outcomes for people living with HIV

A podcast is a series of digital audio recordings that can be streamed or downloaded from online sources and consumed using mobile devices. ‘Podcasting’ is not a new phenomenon, having existed for...

Death, dying and caring: exploring the student nurse experience of palliative and end-of-life education

Metasynthesis is a systematic and comprehensive scientific inquiry that takes and integrates all the findings across a set of reports, resulting in a complete description of the experience under...

The impact of stoma management education on the self-care abilities of individuals with an intestinal stoma

Several studies have shown that following the creation of a stoma patients may experience stigmatisation; having a stoma will also affect people's perception of their body image and sexuality, and...

Ghanaian Erasmus+ students' experiences of a semester abroad during the COVID-19 pandemic

Numerous benefits of studying abroad are reported in the literature, including the development of students' personally and professionally (Kelleher et al, 2016; Brown et al, 2018). This is relevant...

Barriers to and attitudes towards the use of safety engineered devices for paediatric cannulation in emergency care

One in three patients in the UK will have at least one cannula inserted during their stay in hospital (Royal College of Nursing, 2019). It is a procedure that is vitally important to get right, and to...

ACP-supported redeployment in response to the COVID-19 pandemic: a service evaluation of staff experience

The primary aim of this retrospective service evaluation is to examine the experiences of registered nurses redeployed to a COVID-negative Nightingale ward during the first wave of the pandemic in the...

Developing an e-learning curriculum to educate healthcare staff in the acute hospital setting about autism

First described in the 1940s, autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a lifelong heterogeneous neurodevelopmental condition characterised by qualitative challenges with social communication, interaction and...

The impact of clinical simulation on the development of advanced practice skills

Simulation has been used in medical, nursing and dental education for the past 60 years (DH, 2011). It is defined as:.

Assessing the impact of introducing trainee advanced clinical practitioners onto an acute oncology triage unit

The acute oncology triage unit at The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust sees oncology and haematology patients presenting with various side effects of systemic anti-cancer therapy (SACT) and complications...

Development of a simulation placement in a pre-registration nursing programme

‘An artificial representation of a real-world practice scenario that supports student development and assessment through experiential learning with the opportunity for repetition, feedback,...

I-DECIDED®—a decision tool for assessment and management of invasive devices in the hospital setting

TheI-DECIDED® device assessment and decision tool is an evidence-based checklist (see Figure 1). This tool packages international clinical guidelines for invasive devices into a mnemonic algorithm for...

Co-constructing conversations about suicide: the Meeting Space Framework

Pesut and Thorne (2007) discussed the necessity of nurses adopting an orientation to spirituality in practice and a reciprocal role based on humanity. Noticing and responding to suicidal persons is...

Taking advanced clinical practice to the streets: an evaluation of the benefits and challenges in homeless health care

The definition of homelessness includes people sleeping rough, sofa-surfing or living in squats, emergency shelters or hostels (Homeless Link, 2014). Socially excluded people are 10 times more likely...

Living with an MPN in Ireland: patients' and caregivers' perspectives

The methodology used was a cross-sectional questionnaire distributed using convenience sampling to MPN patients and caregivers. The questionnaires were adapted from the Global MPN Landmark Survey...

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