This website is intended for healthcare professionals

Mental health

Development of the Wound Resource Education Nurse (WREN) programme

The WREN programme is open to health professionals, healthcare assistants and link practitioners who are enthusiastic and willing to develop their knowledge and skills within tissue viability..

The potential role of nurses in leading positive behaviour support

While PBS is described as a multicomponent framework that is delivered through an multidisciplinary team (MDT) approach, nurses' views of PBS were lacking in literature until recently (Savarimuthu,...

Self-harm presentations in emergency departments: staff attitudes and triage

Self-harm is a deliberately caused injury or poisoning, usually viewed regardless of stimulus, which may or may not include suicidal intent (Hawton et al, 2003; Clements et al, 2016; NICE, 2018). It...

Experiences of nurses and other health workers participating in a reflective course on compassion-based care

Following the CBC course, which is core to the CHEN programme, several members of staff became inspired to adapt elements of care delivered on the ward. As a result, several changes were made to the...

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