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Nurse education

Exploration of student nurse experiences of being mentored by practice supervisors/assessors in placement settings

The regulation of nursing has changed since 1984, when the previous regulatory body, the United Kingdom Central Council, was created. The role of the mentor was brought to the fore in nurse education...

Nursing students' engagement in online learning

Student engagement is a term used to describe the degree of interest and enthusiasm that students show in the pursuit of learning, and the principle that learning improves when students are engaged...

Critical reflections on formal teaching observations

A teaching observation allows the observer (peer) to extract information from the observed (the teacher) and assess the student learning and educational environment..

Co-producing nurse education with academics, students, service users and carers: lessons from the pandemic

This article reflects on the authors' collective experience of nursing education over the past 3 years in a university in the north west of England. The authors would encourage future participatory...

Using simulation exercises to improve student skills and patient safety

‘A technique to replace or amplify real experiences with guided experiences, often immersive in nature, that evoke or replicate substantial aspects of the real world in a fully safe, instructive and...

The future of nurse education? Studying at the Open University in Scotland

As the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic reached its peak in the UK from March to May 2020, the ‘clap for carers’ campaign demonstrated the strong public appreciation of nurses and other key workers...

Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: a more common condition than you may think

Pulmonary fibrosis is a form of interstitial lung disease that causes fibrosis (scarring) in the lungs. The most common type of PF is IPF (ALA, 2020). ‘Idiopathic’ is defined in the Cambridge...

The knowledge and skills required of advanced level practitioners for accreditation and safe practice

The advanced level practice role started within the nursing profession in the 1960s in the USA. In the UK, advanced practice has had a mixed history since the role was first defined in 1993 by the...

Factors influencing nurses' engagement with CPD activities: a systematic review

The Cochrane and Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines informed processes (Liberati et al, 2009)..

Preregistration adult nursing students' experiences of online learning: a qualitative study

Purposive sampling was adopted for this study to ensure participants had a similar amount of experience of OL and to create a homogenous group. The inclusion criteria were that participants had to be...

Do nursing textbooks accurately describe pulse oximetry? An audit of current literature

The factors contributing to graduate nurses' pulse oximetry knowledge deficits are not clear but inadequate education may be an associated factor. It has been suggested that the origin of these...

Developing and sustaining nurses' service improvement capability: a phenomenological study

This study aimed to understand service improvement experiences of undergraduate adult nursing students in their final year of university and up to 12 months into their graduate practice. The following...

Reflections on setting up a nursing preceptorship programme

‘Providing support and guidance enabling new registrants to make the transition from student to accountable practitioner.’ .

A guide to the NMC emergency standards for nurse education during the current deployment of student nurses

Tables 1 –4 provide key information taken from the NMC Emergency Standards for Nursing and Midwifery Education (NMC, 2020). The standards are then explored in terms of the implications for...

The development of critical care nursing education in Zambia

The purpose of this activity was for key stakeholders to review and validate the current Advanced Diploma in Critical Care Nursing and to prepare a framework for a bachelor degree-level critical care...

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