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Older adults

Cardiac amyloidosis at a glance

Amyloidosis occurs when amyloid fibrils, which are aggregates of low molecular weight proteins, become insoluble and resistant to degradation. They then deposit in organs and connective tissues...

Self-management support for older adults with chronic illness: implications for nursing practice

‘The tasks that individuals must undertake to live with one or more chronic conditions. These tasks include having the confidence to deal with medical management, role management and emotional...

Older adults' self-advocacy in patient safety: a cross-sectional study

Few studies have been conducted on self-advocacy regarding patient safety of older adults, especially in developing countries. Based on the data from 230 older adult patients, we found that the total...

Older adults' views on their person-centred care needs in a long-term care setting in Ireland

The aim of this study was to explore the perspectives of Irish residents in a long-term care setting about the person-centred climate of the setting..

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