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Quality improvement

A multimodal approach to reduce the incidence of peripheral venous cannula bacteraemias and improve patient safety

The initiative involved a multimodal approach that included a survey, poster campaign and education sessions. However, before embarking on the design and implementation of the programme, the Trust's...

Intravenous fluid therapy: an audit and discussion of improvements required for prescribers and administrators

Shared learning examples available on the NICE website regarding the guideline were reviewed to identify learning points for project design and scope adherence in other trusts (NICE, 2017b). Twelve...

Improving healthcare transition for young people with cancer: factors fundamental to the quality improvement journey

The QI project aimed to establish pathways and processes that facilitated the successful transition of young people with cancer from children's into adults' healthcare services, thereby promoting...

The value of implementing a nursing and midwifery clinical accreditation programme at two NHS trusts

The governance process implemented as part of the programme reflects improvement aspects, at the same time as recognising the importance of maintaining evidence of decision-making and agreement on the...

A specialist service evaluation: a cross-sectional survey approach

Service evaluations (SEs) adopt rigorous, scientific methods to collect data about the effectiveness of services in a systematic way (Bowling, 2014a). They seek to understand the value and worth of a...

Introduction of the professional nurse advocate role using a quality implementation framework

Clinical supervision plays an important role in the provision of quality nursing care and has been promoted for nurses in the NHS for some years (Driscoll et al, 2019). The practice is associated with...

Using clinical surveillance software to support effective infection prevention and control for managing COVID-19

‘Ongoing opportunities to harness and embed new technologies, to link and integrate our data, and improve our surveillance.’.

A deep-dive thematic analysis of low-harm hospital-acquired pressure ulcers

Not all NHS organisations perform root cause analysis (RCA) investigations for low-harm HAPUs. However, in the author's experience, organisations that embrace all available learning from these...

Factors associated with the frequency of respiratory rate measurement by hospital nurses: a multicentre cross-sectional study

This study detected five independent factors associated with the frequency of RR measurement by the nurses. The perception of importance (item 2) and educational experiences (item 18) were positively...

Simple steps to prevent hospital-acquired pneumonia in non-intubated patients: a quality improvement project

It is widely acknowledged that quality improvement projects (QIPs) advance health care and are integral to reaching the targeted outcomes that provide best possible care for patients (Charles et al,...

Developing and sustaining nurses' service improvement capability: a phenomenological study

This study aimed to understand service improvement experiences of undergraduate adult nursing students in their final year of university and up to 12 months into their graduate practice. The following...

A simple method to secure data-driven improvement of perioperative care

In 1999, Henrik Kehlet initiated the establishment of the ‘Surgical Project’, a national unit for monitoring surgical outcome in collaboration with the National Board of Health. The purpose was to...

A review of compliance with pain assessments within a UK ICU

The literature review was conducted using Liverpool John Moores University's Discover More search tool, which was used to search a range of academic journals relevant to pain assessment in the...

Pressure ulcer prevention in hospitals: a successful nurse-led clinical quality improvement intervention

Between 2010 and 2014 there was a focus on prevention of adverse events and patient safety at hospitals in Denmark. The Region of Southern Denmark—one of 5 regional health authorities—and OUH had...

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