This website is intended for healthcare professionals


Advanced clinical practitioners' untapped potential to become managers

This was a mixed-method narrative review that drew upon a range of published material to go beyond simple commentary or opinion, using interpretation and critique to provide a summary on the topic of...

Understanding the independent samples t test in nursing research

When using the independent samples t test, the aim is to investigate if there is a difference between the means of two samples that are independent (Heavey, 2022). With the application of this t test,...

Developing critical enquiry, capacity, capability and confidence in the health and care workforce

Advertising the scholarship programme and organising the drop-in sessions raised the profile of the scholarship and other educational research programmes and funding opportunities..

Exploring the sustainable impacts of a clinical healthcare research scholarship programme

The quality improvement (SusQI) framework of sustainable value was used as the basis of our evaluation (Mortimer et al, 2018). This includes considerations of financial, environmental and social...

An exploration of the reach of the #MakeSpace4Research hashtag

The integration of social media into modern society is a contemporary worldwide phenomenon, which has the potential to allow for rapid and global connectivity (Gibbs et al, 2015; Brady et al, 2017)....

An overview of menopause, and why this should feature within pre-registration education

The project is a collaboration between a pre-registration nursing student and academic staff at Liverpool John Moores University, who make up the project team. The aim has been to, first, undertake a...

Research placements: are they a suitable alternative for student nurses?

Given the issues with clinical placements, higher education institutions, along with their clinical partners, were required to develop innovative ways of ensuring students had the required hours and...

How a better understanding of nursing research roles may help to embed research into clinical structures

Misunderstandings surrounding the terminology and scope of practice within advanced and specialist nurses' roles continue to pervade the profession (Currey et al, 2011; Cooper et al, 2019; Cannaby et...

Research as part of the advanced clinical practitioner role

Healthcare is constantly changing, with the evidence base expanding exponentially (Tsay and Yang, 2005). As independent practitioners, ACPs need research capability to keep abreast of the developing...

Taking advanced clinical practice to the streets: an evaluation of the benefits and challenges in homeless health care

The definition of homelessness includes people sleeping rough, sofa-surfing or living in squats, emergency shelters or hostels (Homeless Link, 2014). Socially excluded people are 10 times more likely...

Critiquing a published healthcare research paper

For those embarking on a higher degree such as a master's, taught doctorate, or a doctor of philosophy, the relationship between research, knowledge production and knowledge utilisation becomes clear...

Critical review of the evidence base regarding theories conceptualising the aetiology of psychosis

The advent of Kraeplinian philosophy in 1911 divided mental illness according to two disparate diagnostic criteria; that of dementia praecox—typified by a youthful onset of florid symptoms:...

An exploration of the attitudes and perceptions of the UK public towards self-care for minor ailments

This was a pilot study aiming to provide a snapshot of data that could lead to further investigation in the future..

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