On behalf of NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT) Patient Blood Management Team, the Serious Hazards of Transfusion (SHOT) UK Haemovigilance Scheme and the National Blood Transfusion Committee, I have...
‘Staff know that what they do carries risk, but the culture in which they work is one that views itself as essentially safe, where errors are considered exceptional, and where rigid hierarchical...
NGTs are usually inserted as a short- or medium-term method of feeding for CYP, as patients who require longer term support would often have a percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) inserted (NHS...
The option of increasing clinical placement hours is unsustainable in a climate of controlled budgets, limited placement availability and rising learner numbers given the education provider's finite...
The HSIB report undertook a detailed investigation focusing on NG tubes that are used to enterally feed patients and the two methods used for confirmation of NG tube tip position: pH testing and...
The European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology Hepatology and Nutrition (ESPGHAN) updated their diagnostic guidance for CD in 2012, recommending a no-biopsy pathway (NBP) for symptomatic...
‘The placement could be improved through better organisation and planning for students; however, staff are much more supportive of students now than a few months ago.’ .
A combination of medical conditions left Paul Carter (not his real name), who is in his mid-fifties, chair/bed bound. He lives in his own home, supported by a full package of carers. Due to a poor gag...
Bladder and/or bowel dysfunction in MS can occur at the onset of the disease or any time during its course. It can impact either the bladder or bowel directly, through plaques damaging the areas of...
Fluid shifts happen when the fluid in the body moves between fluid compartments. Physiologically, this occurs by a combination of hydrostatic pressure gradients and osmotic pressure gradients. Osmosis...
‘Most errors in the physical examination … [which lead to adverse outcomes] … are related to not performing an examination.’ .
The study was approved by the ethics committee of the hospital (17929/19-7-13). A written consent form was obtained from all participants. The investigation conformed to the principles outlined in the...
A questionnaire was sent to ACHD CNSs across the UK, via email, at the end of March 2020. It asked how many nurses were planned to be retained in their service and how many were planned to be...
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