This website is intended for healthcare professionals

Michelle Croston

Lead HIV Specialist Nurse, Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust

Email Michelle

The compassionate mind approach to supporting psychological wellbeing in people living with HIV

Within clinical practice, a number of approaches can support people living HIV with regards to their mental health and psychological wellbeing. These include cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT),...

Telling our stories: describing the experiences and contributions of African migrants living with HIV

The project's aim was to develop a book to showcase these experiences and shine a light on this community. The project was led by a steering group of African women who are long-standing HIV activists...

What is known from the existing literature about how sleep is measured in HIV care? A scoping review

Scoping reviews aim to rapidly map the key concepts underpinning a research area, by exploring the evidence available to understand more about a particular area of research and practice. These reviews...

HIV Matters: an educational podcast series to improve outcomes for people living with HIV

A podcast is a series of digital audio recordings that can be streamed or downloaded from online sources and consumed using mobile devices. ‘Podcasting’ is not a new phenomenon, having existed for...

Becoming an inner ally: the compassionate minds approach to self-compassion − an online programme

Compassion-focused therapy (CFT) is a psychotherapy approach developed by Professor Paul Gilbert (2010) that integrates concepts from cognitive behavioural therapy, evolutionary psychology,...

Developing therapeutic relationships with people living with HIV: exploring the nurse–patient relationship

An interpretive phenomenological analysis (IPA) approach was used to guide all aspects of the study design. IPA is an approach used in qualitative, experiential and psychological research, developed...

Resurrecting the ‘fourth 90’: towards a definition of health-related quality of life in HIV care

Although Lazarus et al (2016) offered a timely reminder of the role of professionals to support people living with HIV to achieve and maintain a good health-related quality of life (HRQoL), they only...

HIV at 40: reflections on and development of interdisciplinary working in HIV care

Unusually for the profession of applied psychology, psychologists and psychological theory and knowledge were centrally involved from the outset in defining problems and shaping responses to HIV..

Psychological impact of caring during the COVID-19 pandemic on HIV nurses

To establish how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted on the professional quality of life of HIV nurses in the UK and Ireland..

What are the current factors that impact on health-related quality of life for women living with HIV?

‘That 90% of people with viral load suppression have good health-related quality of life.’ .

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