‘The right to determine what shall be done with one's own body is a fundamental right in our society. The concepts inherent in this right are the bedrock upon which the principles of...
‘Approximately 810 women die every day from preventable causes related to pregnancy and childbirth. In addition, around 6700 newborns die every day, amounting to 47% of all under-5 deaths. Moreover,...
The recent conviction of a woman for assisting another person to undertake female genital mutilation (FGM) on a three-year-old British girl during a trip to Kenya, has been hailed as evidence of the...
In 2016, the NHS as a whole failed a major cross-government test of its ability to handle a severe pandemic. The results of this Emergency Preparedness, Resilience and Response (EPRR) exercise, known...
The WHO's work in global patient safety has had a direct influence on NHS efforts to develop an ingrained patient safety culture. Some useful materials and initiatives have been developed. In...
The NHS Parliamentary Awards are configured in 10 categories, including a lifetime achievement award. Successful staff members will be invited to parliament to receive their awards. In 2018, more than...
Designing a randomised trial to ascertain whether a medical device reduces the incidence of PUs through earlier adoption of preventive measures is challenging. This is largely because there is...
The advent of Kraeplinian philosophy in 1911 divided mental illness according to two disparate diagnostic criteria; that of dementia praecox—typified by a youthful onset of florid symptoms:...
The aim of this case study was to examine the missed nursing care phenomenon and to shed light on the possible predictors that may impact on the occurrence of missed nursing care in the context of a...
It was proposed to undertake a review of the literature on suicide in cancer patients or following a cancer diagnosis. The aim of the literature review was twofold:.