The need for diverse voices could not be stronger, highlighting the importance of including a variety of voices in discussions about Black history. The experiences and insights of Black individuals...
The aim of the study was to determine paediatric nurses’ knowledge and experiences of PIVC insertion at a tertiary paediatric health centre..
The body requires oxygen as an important part of its energy provision process. The respiratory system provides the body with oxygen and removes carbon dioxide as a waste product. This is the process...
A BP measurement, in its simplest form, is a determinant of individual cardiac output (the volume of blood pumped out of the heart and into the aorta per minute) and the systematic vascular resistance...
Where possible, informed consent should be obtained. This will include ensuring that patients are aware of (Dougherty and Lister, 2015):.
It is essential to maintain a high level of suspicion while also approaching patients with empathy and understanding. Building a rapport with patients can help in effectively addressing and managing...
‘We have a responsibility, as both nurses and global citizens, to improve cancer care for all patients, not just those within our direct sphere of inf luence’ .