There are several complications associated with PIVCs, including: Phlebitis When standardised phlebitis scales (Jackson, 1998) are used, mean rates of 14.7% and 16.1% have been reported (Helm et al,...
The aim of the narrative review was to identify the extent, type and causes of sharps injuries sustained by healthcare students other than those studying nursing, medicine or dentistry..
The aim of the project was to establish a wellbeing clinic to improve:.
‘The term ‘culture’ is used to signify the full spectrum of values, behaviors, customs, language, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, socioeconomic status, and other...
A total of 472 patients were hospitalised because of COVID-19 disease in the hospital during the evaluated period. Group A consisted of 48 patients, predominantly males (77%), with 9/48 patients...
Unnecessarily prolonged hospital stays are not good for patients, as it is well documented that prolonged hospitalisation results in substantial decline in functional status, particularly in older...
‘The burden of the COVID-19 pandemic has exhausted nursing staff. Even if only a small percentage quits, that would still hugely impact all healthcare services and it will potentially take decades...
To achieve the aim of the study a qualitative exploratory design was used; this was because it permitted an insight into the experiences of people from their perspectives. The study was completed in...
Voiding dysfunction is relatively uncommon in young women (Mevcha and Drake, 2010) and can often be an incidental finding when investigating another medical condition. The cause of voiding dysfunction...
The reported outbreak in December 2019 of a newly discovered coronavirus in Wuhan, Hubei province, has a possible common exposure link to Wuhan's South China Seafood City market (ECDC, 2020). Lu et al...