Although Lazarus et al (2016) offered a timely reminder of the role of professionals to support people living with HIV to achieve and maintain a good health-related quality of life (HRQoL), they only...
Since the 1950s, many scar assessment tools have been developed for burn scar assessment. The number of scar assessment tools available attests to the difficulty of finding one appropriate instrument....
Indications for the use of enemas include to:.
ECP is a leukapheresis-based form of cellular immunotherapy that is used to treat a variety of T-cell mediated diseases including cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL) and both acute and chronic...
The body is capable of regenerating certain types of cells, such as epithelial cells and this is considered the most effective method of healing, as the regenerated tissue retains the same...
The vascular access team at the authors' trust is managed by the lead vascular access nurse and one clinical nurse specialist. Placement of PICCs is done at the bedside in the wards or at an...
The bowel is part of the digestive system. It is made up of the small bowel (small intestine) and the large bowel (colon and rectum). The small bowel is longer than the large bowel, but it gets its...
A joint leg ulcer service project was undertaken by the TV and vascular surgery units for 3 months (December 2018–February 2019) with the aim of streamlining the service for patients with longstanding...
A risk assessment was developed considering the increased demand for MAbs, the complexity of the preparation (powder formulations, multiple dilutions, and so on), the potential toxicity of the drug...
This study drew from the experiences of health professionals to explore models of care for YOD. For those interviewed, the experience of providing care for people with YOD was characterised by...