Up to the beginning of the 21st century, wound dressings and similar devices designed to provide moisture and protect the surrounding skin were primarily made from hydrocolloids and hydrogels, as well...
The Karasek model, which has been used worldwide for about three decades, is seen as the gold standard for psychosocial jobs assessment (Kristensen, 1995). It is a three-dimensional instrument that...
The aim of the study was to understand patients' perceptions and experiences of DOT in tuberculosis treatment, with the following objectives, to:.
An outbreak has been defined as two or more confirmed cases of COVID-19, or clinically suspected cases of COVID-19, among individuals associated with a specific setting with onset dates within 14 days...
A narrative review methodology was used following the standards of the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) Statement (Page et al, 2021). A search of two...
Adolescents spend most of their time at home and school. It is important to understand how adolescents cope with their illnesses in these two settings. This study investigated the coping strategies...
The primary outcome measure, used to power the quantitative study, assessed change in a patient's self-declared most troublesome CIPN symptom using the Measure Yourself Medical Outcomes Profile...
It is apparent that mental illness stigmatisation is prevalent in Malaysia. The aim of this review was to explore the stigmatisation of mental illness among the adult population in Malaysia by...
To improve the quality of the study and facilitate understanding, the authors adhered to the Consolidated Criteria for Reporting Qualitative Research (COREQ) checklist (Tong et al, 2007)..
The Ostomy Life Study 2019 was an online, retrospective, self-reported questionnaire developed by Coloplast A/S (Martins et al, 2022b). A total of 54 614 people living with a stoma from 17 countries...